upcoming signings preorder

All my preorders are officially open for Book Bonanza, RARE Edinburgh and Las Vegas. I can’t wait to see you all there.

My preorders are linked below - I will only have a limited amount of books available on the day and not all the covers (the NYP body covers are pre-order only), so please get there early.

All orders receive their books in a Luluverse tote bag, and will include exclusive BRAND NEW stickers, BRAND NEW Luluverse character series postcards, and a bookmark per book. All pre-orders will include a personal message.

Any books bought at the show will have SIGNATURE ONLY.

If you’re coming to Love N. Vegas, join in the fun with my Vegas Preorder Roulette wheel. Prizes are given away every month.

Can’t wait to see you all this year.


Book Bonanza - Closes May 15th

RARE - Closes July 31st

Love N. Vegas Preorder Roulette - Closes August 31st


in conversation with monica murphy